Weight loss hypnotherapy is a fantastic and effective approach for removing excess weight and habit change. Using a trance state to approach your relationship with food, exercise, and your body reveals blocks and behaviors that are standing in your way of having your ideal body.

weight loss hypnotherapy, hypnosis, fitness, health, wellness, erika renea larsen, cht. Change Your Mind, Change Your Body: Your mind controls your body. Your mind is an incredibly powerful machine and the genius behind your body processes and habits. Paving new neuro-pathways in your brain through hypnosis and repetition allows your mind to make new choices and release old patterns supporting your body in shedding pounds, feeling lighter, healthier and free.

See it, Feel it, Become it: Your mind cannot tell between what is perceived and what is real. This is why when you watch a scary or suspenseful movie you may jump from your seat during a terrifying scene. The same is true for your weight. If you’re focusing your attention on your weight, you feel and see more weight. When you begin to see and feel differently through the process of hypnosis, visualization, and positive affirmations, your mind will begin to tell a different story and weight loss will be the natural side effect.

Kick the Cravings: Hypnotherapy is a pivotal process in gaining awareness of the emotional connection to your cravings and eating habits. Cravings and emotional eating can derail any eating or diet plan you’ve been working so hard to commit to, leaving you feeling guilt, shame, and failure. Exploring the root cause of emotional eating allows the client to move beyond the mood-food connection.

The End of Mindless Eating: It is extremely common for people to “live above the neck.” Being disconnected from the body keeps people from having mind-body awareness. Expanding the mind-body connection allows clients to listen to when their body is telling them, so when hunger strikes or they’ve eaten enough to satisfy them, they are conscious enough to feel it.

Gain Motivation: It is easy to lose steam or “fall off the wagon” when there isn’t a pressing goal like a vacation or attending a wedding. Hypnotherapy allows the client to establish the core values for the client’s health and weight loss efforts. Gaining clarity around your “why” will support you in your process and allow you to re-commit to your goal.

weight loss hypnotherapy, hypnosis, fitness, health, wellness, erika renea larsen, cht. Increase Self-Love: The majority of clients who are trying to shed pounds and trim up see their bodies with shame and guilt; they are somehow less than perfect or not good enough. Cultivating a deeper sense of appreciation for your body and forgiving it is essential in increasing self-love necessary for healthy self-esteem and confidence. Many people who lose weight haven’t healed their relationship with their body and therefore still feel they are fat in their mind and mirror even if the scale says differently.






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This 12-week weight loss program is tailored specifically to your needs. For more information and to see how this program will be a fit for you, please call 206-790-3910 or email to set up a 20-minute strategy call. Sessions are available in person or via Skype or phone. Erika is located on the eastside in the Bellevue, Kirkland and Redmond area.