Bellevue Spiritual Coaching

bellevue spiritual coaching

Are you located in the Bellevue area, yearning to find your true purpose, connect with your inner being and deepen your relationship with a power greater than yourself? Are you looking for deep lasting healing and personal development that exceeds the average self-help guru’s advice? Do you find yourself believing in something more, be it God, The Universe, Source or your Higher Self, but when your faith is tested, you feel along and lost questioning your faith and trust?

Bellevue Spiritual Coaching Services

Erika’s favorite client sessions are ones where she can “go there” with her bellevue clients, regardless of their religious or spiritual affiliation. She has spiritually coached bellevue clients from various denominations from Agnostics, Buddhists and the Spiritual But Not Religious, to Mormons, 7th Day Adventists, Catholics and Evangelical Christians alike. Being able to speak their language and relate to their struggles, desires and faith building efforts are Erika’s specialty.

Erika always meets a Bellevue client where they are at and meets them with an open mind, allowing her natural intuitive gifts to guide the coaching session and needs of the client. Erika loves Bellevue spiritual coaching sessions so much because of the profound impact they make in her client’s lives, having a deeper and more fulfilling impact on her clients than traditional coaching sessions.

If you have questions about our Bellevue Spiritual Coaching services please reach out to us at anytime. We appreciate your interest and are happy to help at anytime.