Showing 30 Result(s)

The ABCs of taking my own advise…

As a coach + hypnotherapist, I help people heal and more forward. But what happens when life grabs me by the horns and challenges all my thoughts, beliefs, and training… let alone my patience? How do I keep myself from getting caught up in the drama swirling around me? The answer is, sometimes I don’t. …

11 steps to NOT feeding into the family drama

Hey Y’all, sorry for the hiatus. It’s summer in Seattle. If you know anything about Seattle, enough said. If you don’t, I’ve been thoroughly getting my annual fill of Vitamin D… I recently heard a quote, and I know not where it came from. But, it went something like this, “If you want to find …

The Bennies of Spring Cleaning

Spring is that time of the year when almost everything seems to take on new life.  Everything seems more green, flowers are blooming, animals are being born and farmers markets are overflowing with ripe freshly harvested spring produce.  It seems as if the year ought to start in the beginning of spring to reflect the new life, …

Prince Charming Black Hole of Isolation, Part 3.

(First, my apologies for the long hiatus in getting the last segment to this blog series posted! My bad. Needless to say, today I felt inspired to finish this series.) I hope you are caught up on the PCBHI part 1 & PCBHI part 2, if not, take the time now, we will wait…. Ready? Ok, let’s talk building said list. …