Showing 10 Result(s)

Morning meditation on the lake

Morning meditation on the lake

I woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed. Grumpy and irritable that I slept so poorly and the sun was shining already, I just wanted to crawl under the covers and hide.

SO, I got my butt out of bed and went for a walk along the lake. And what do you know, I found myself chilling on a dock hanging out with some migrating birds and meditating with a cup of hot tea. All was right in my world. 10 minutes was all it took to find my center, feel gratitude, and inner peace. I think I might repeat this little morning ritual again tomorrow.

Which brings me to you… what morning rituals do you love? How do you turn your inner-grump into an inner-god/goddess?

Erika Renea Life Coach & Hypnotherapist

Special Ordered

What if you were special ordered? Imagine for a moment if the world needs you and your gifts, just as you are right now? Can you give yourself permission to be okay with exactly where you are in your life today?  Regardless of the struggles, demands and all that “stuff” that gets in our way.  Regardless of what …

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaches are popping up everywhere. Just last night I tuned into Oprah’s Lifeclass on the OWN network, and Master Life Coach Tony Robbins was the guest speaker.  While Life Coaches are quite prevalent in areas like Arizona, California, Europe and Australia, it is still a profession that is widely unknown throughout most of the …