Showing 10 Result(s)

Fierce Love

What does that even mean? What would it be like, feel like, to fiercely love? I tell so many of my clients, “You are the first example of what it looks like to love you,” because I almost notice an epidemic of people not loving enough, especially themselves. Love is our natural inheritance. We are …

Judgy McJudgerson

One of my favorite lines to say is, “don’t judge me!” It doesn’t matter if I’ve been in yoga clothes all day, my car is a mess, or I’m running 30 minutes late. Anytime I feel the slightest bit insecure or in “excuse mode,” chances are you will hear me say, “don’t judge me.” Until …

The Prince Charming Black Hole of Isolation, part 1.

We’ve all heard of him, Mr. Prince Charming; famous Disney love stories, and “they lived happily ever after.” This is all nice and dandy, for a movie. But what happens in real life when wires cross and the “prince charming phenomena” interferes with reality, and more freakishly, your love life? I recently had lunch with a colleague. …

Are positive people really on to something?

Ever notice how some people just have it good? Maybe you’re one of these “got it good” people.  If not, chances are you’ve encountered the people of whom I speak.  Life just seems to come easy to certain people…like positive things happen to positive people, and negative things happen to negative people.  Well, this isn’t …