Wanting to fall in love? Here’s the main ingredient you may be missing…

Happy travel couple in piggyback by Coliseum, RomeGratitude.

Yep, gratitude matter… a lot. Let me explain.

What if it was as easy as a being thankful? Feeling thankful coupled with clarity is a very powerful mixture. Let me give you an example. Say you want to meet that someone special and fall in love; you know this, you think this and you look for it. However, when you see a random cute couple; on the street, holding hands, waiting in line, flirting over drinks, having a romantic dinner; you feel a ping of jealousy. Perhaps you think, why her? Or maybe, feeling deflated, the thought “why are all the good ones taken” crosses your mind. Say you feel you could never get a guy or girl like that; you aren’t good enough, pretty enough, fit enough, rich enough, etc.

There’s a lot going on here. You have conflicting beliefs, blocks, limitations, but most importantly, you aren’t feeling in-love. Like attracts like, so if you are feeling a lack of love, you will get more lack of love in your life. If you’re feeling like all the good ones are taken, you are going to be constantly attracting the not so good ones. Feelings of jealousy, lack, misfortune, not good enough, and feeling turned off by romance are energetically keeping away love. The easiest way to change your beliefs is to change how you feel. A thought turns into a belief which turns into a feeling. So when you begin with the feeling you laser directly into the root cause of your issue at not being in-love.

Solution? Feel like you are already in-love by acting as if. Feel your partner next to you, as if he or she was right there. Feel them sitting beside you, or sleeping next to you. Feel what it would feel like to cook dinner together or play together. Feel happy for all the people you see that are in love. Begin looking for examples of happy successful couples. When you see a cute, in love couple, feel so excited because if it happened to them and they are showing up in your experience, it is on its way to you. Feel like you are next! Use every example as an excuse to feel blessed, excited and in love.

Take it another step further and be the person you imagine yourself being in love. Start feeling like the person who is in love and be and do all the things you imagine yourself doing or being in the relationship. Start now. Feel as if you are sharing your life with your life partner and The Universe has no option BUT to bring it into your life. Again, like attracts like. This isn’t woo-woo, it’s physics. However, be prepared to have your life change dramatically and fast; this is very powerful stuff. You will be tapping into The Universal energy that creates worlds. So get ready, your life is about to change.


Lots o’love!


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