What is the truth about fear? Plain and simple, it’s False Evidence Appearing Real. Okay, that’s worth repeating:


What does that mean? It means fear is an illusion. Fear is something our mind (ego) makes up to keep ourselves “safe” or “comfortable” in the current situation we’ve been conditioned to call “norm,” regardless of whether or not it’s actually beneficial or healthy.

Basically, fear keeps us stuck.

So, I like to separate fear into two categories:

  1. Rational FEAR: If I step out in front of a moving vehicle, I’m going to get hit and become severely injured, or die.
  2. Irrational FEAR:  I hate to fly because I’m afraid the plane is going to crash, (The odds of this happening to you are lower than dying in a car accident).

While rational FEAR is based on instinctual human survival, it is also called common sense. Unless you are a stunt man, extreme sports athlete, still playing with Barbie or watching Sesame Street, these fears are probably healthy and necessary for basic survival.

However, Irrational FEAR is exactly the opposite. Irrational fear masks itself as phobias, like flying, and insecurities like self-doubt.  Self-doubt is the danger that keeps us from moving forward in our lives, challenging ourselves, taking risks and opening up to a world of possibilities that could lead us to our greatest life ever. Irrational fear is a crutch that keeps us stuck in our “safe” yet unfulfilled life.

What are three key steps to moving through the wall of Irrational FEAR that blocks us from reaching our fullest potential?

  1. Believe in yourself. If you can dream it, you can be it.
  2. Don’t give thoughts of Irrational FEAR any power.
  3. Release the thoughts the moment they pop into your mind and replace them with a counter thought.

Bottom line, Irrational FEAR interferes with your life.

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